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Consumer health behaviour change

Consumer health behaviour change

The Client

Global biopharmaceutical company + digital disruption consultancy 

The Need

To develop a differentiated digital health solution within the consumer health space.

The Action

An analysis of effective behaviour change techniques currently on the market, including those that harness teachable moments, offer resource prescriptions, or disincentive. Learnings were taken from these use cases to inform a behaviour change solution within the client’s target space within the market. Great emphasis was placed on the COM-B behaviour change mode for achieving sustained health actions.

The Outcome

The company harnessed the knowledge gained to drive internal meetings and strategic decisions.

Shona Davies
Chief Operating Officer, Upstart
“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Nicola and cannot recommend her highly enough.
Nicola is driven, committed, flexible and extremely talented. Not to mention being a wonderful human. Nicola came on board at very short notice to support us with research, strategy development and copywriting on a very complex European project. She worked closely and collaboratively with the team to provide a deliverable that delighted our client…all in under 3 weeks. I’m pretty sure she’s super-human.”

-Thank you for all that you do, Nicola. Hoping to work with you again soon!

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I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Nicola and cannot recommend her highly enough. Nicola is driven, committed, flexible and extremely talented. Not to mention being a wonderful human. Nicola came on board at very short notice to support us with research, strategy development and copywriting on a very complex European project. She worked closely and collaboratively with the team to provide a deliverable that delighted our client…all in under 3 weeks. I’m pretty sure she’s super-human. Thank you for all that you do, Nicola. Hoping to work with you again soon!

The client

Global biopharmaceutical company + digital disruption consultancy 

Shona Davies

Chief Operating Officer, Upstart

The need

To develop a differentiated digital health solution within the consumer health space.

The action

An analysis of effective behaviour change techniques currently on the market, including those that harness teachable moments, offer resource prescriptions, or disincentive. Learnings were taken from these use cases to inform a behaviour change solution within the client’s target space within the market. Great emphasis was placed on the COM-B behaviour change mode for achieving sustained health actions.

The company harnessed the knowledge gained to drive internal meetings and strategic decisions.

The outcome